
The day none of us were happy

Recently I went to the hairdresser. She usually does an ok job of fixing my hair. It is never great, but it will do for a head covering. I took a photo of my hair from a few months ago. I took front and back photos. It is easy. Just fill in the dots.

She picked up my hair on the top. Then, in an instant that remains frozen in my memory, Ms R cut underneath the comb instead of over the comb. As my hair fell to the floor, I gasped and almost cried. Ms R says “Oh, I can’t put it back on. I never learned how to do that.” The center of my hair was about a quarter of an inch long. A reverse mowhawk.

There was really nothing to do. I could gather up my hair and go home with a bald patch down the center. I could just see how bad this hairdo was going to look. She finally had to shave the back in order to get the top not so obvious. I just kept saying “it is too short.” Ms R apologized but again stated “I can’t put it back on.”

I came home. I looked in the mirror. I swore I would never leave home. That lasted about three hours before one of the kids called needing something.

This day gets worse. Zac goes to the same hairdresser. She gave him THE EXACT SAME HAIRDO THAT I AM SPORTING. Now, none of us are happy. We’d swear to get our revenge…but as she pointed out “I can’t put it back on.”

Next time, we are both going to a barber. How much worse could it be??????


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